Lost-Photos-Found copied to clipboard
Exception: UnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xa5 in position 61: invalid start byte
I am experiencing:
36:50.029921 < EIKI357 OK Success
LOG: [decoded header] '"=?UTF-8?B?SGlwUmVjYWxsTGVnYWxDZW50ZXI=?=" sjjqcqkdemwrofnunbxu.kgsrifihuehqymgrvkdh@Dzyx7kUD-KA6q8WL5.84c.TCCdE.6WybftW39.Mj4J45w.aeokeyst.com'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./lpf.py", line 22, in
Eddie, would you forward this particular e-mail to my Gmail so I can work on it? My e-mail is 'caio1982'. The log is cryptic but I suppose the decoded header can help you search it on Gmail?
Email sent. The email was unfiltered spam that was in my inbox.
I just sent you a second email with the same exception.
I had a similar problem caused by parts in a multi-part message having different encodings. Commit 6b07fe6 should provide a workaround for this problem.