Caelan U.

Results 25 comments of Caelan U.

Use cases for multi-cluster workflows that we have observed recently: A. 😄 Automating a workflow that uses a variety of processing resources (eg, both CPU and GPU at different steps,...

@boshnak - @JPZ13 and I have been working on a feature based on @alexec 's POC where users can run a workflow that has 2+ steps running in different clusters...

Thanks, @mashriram. Yes, I have been testing Killercoda and Instruqt with a couple other contributors, and we plan to have an update posted within 4-6 weeks about a new course...

Going well! We should have a new course live in a couple weeks, around ArgoCon. We'll post an update here and will open a PR to update the docs. We...

Hi Everyone, @tico24 and I have updated the intro to Argo Workflows course that @alexec initially created last year. Please access it here on Killercoda (a free Katacoda replacement):

Yes, happy to take this on after ArgoCon 👍

v3.4.3 was released yesterday. @AlanD88 are you able to test and confirm on `latest` for us? Thanks

Hey @sarabala1979 , I opened this issue as it was reported by someone in Slack. It's not specific to us. I'm unsure how high priority it is compared to other...

@sarabala1979 mentioned today that `latest` should fix this. @isubasinghe and @Gibstick - can you please try the original workflow again on `latest`?

@pditommaso I hope you are well. I'm curious if you'd be open to merging these PRs to add to your repo. What do you think?