Sören Hentzschel
Sören Hentzschel
This won't be easy, some additional EPG platform support is needed.
It's still planned, yes. Unfortunately there were some big delays in developing the next release for Firefox and in writing the documentation and that's the reason why the Thunderbird support...
A more flexible _Locked_ mechanism than currently implemented is needed: > Previously, these values were always locked. Starting with Firefox 74 and Firefox ESR 68.6, you can use the Locked...
The documentation is in progress now and will be published end of February / beginning of March.
Qwant also has a new icon, see [BZ-1784877](https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1784877).
> Too much risk of confusion with the back action and lack of alignment with what users coming from Chrome . @rtestard @iorgamgabriel I don't understand the argument with Chrome....
Hallo, kannst du die Datei bitte hier anhängen, damit ich versuchen kann, das Problem zu reproduzieren? Du kannst die Datei vorher natürlich gerne soweit reduzieren / verändern, dass das Problem...
> @cadeyrn rather than downvote emojis, please triage this into the correct project 1. I do not work for Mozilla so I can't "triage this into the correct project". 2....
see also https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1664878
Firefox already has an option to delete browsing history on quit.