Albert Salim

Results 13 issues of Albert Salim

Similar to #56, I'm in a situation where I need to perform a job at a monthly interval. For example, every first of the month. @plashchynski , if you're okay,... Questions: - which version? - json or yml? - how to differentiate between openAPI file and existing json or yml if supported

Useful to support multiple responses, such as success, failure, errors. Options: - Randomly pick from the responses - Round robin - Weighted

Thumbs up if a `.yml` file would be useful. Suggestions on what the format of `.yml` would be appreciated too. One idea I had was to work based on swagger,...


## Summary Release `aruba-rspec` gem which contains only relevant code for `aruba/rspec`. ## Expected Behavior When I need to use `aruba` with `RSpec`, I should be able to install the...

This commit will add a feature to build Docker image using Kaniko running on Docker. The implementation adds a new kaniko api that implements `imager` interface. As kaniko builds and...


# Bug Report --- ## Describe the bug Digital Ocean kubernetes cluster resource is not found after an auto upgrade. I had a cluster with version "1.21.2-do.1" with auto-upgrade and...


Hi, I'd like to know if you'd be open to adding a feature that allows users to prioritise certain spec files. This can be used to run test files for...


We have a kubed deployed in a cluster that sees frequent namespace creation/deletion. Very often, kubed pod will panic with the following: ``` { "jsonPayload": { "pid": "1", "message": "Observed...

I installed kubed with using Helm with the following command to set `--resync-period=30s`: ``` helm install kubed-test appscode/kubed -n apps \ --set config.configSourceNamespace=apps \ --set config.additionalOptions="{--resync-period=30s}" ``` I can see...