Charles Cook
Charles Cook
Seems by your file path that you're on Windows; Windows releases of Python don't have **curses** included, though you can use **pip** to install **windows-curses**, and by tests, it should...
I have always thought about going back to try to get it to restore; Around this upcoming May, I may revisit this. As for a 2X mode, that would be...
In the main file, I have several dictionaries ending with the suffix `Codes` that convert ASCII values (derived from the `ord` function) into strings to check for button presses (they...
Addendum: if the key you want to use is not an alphanumeric key, it may require a special curses constant to get the code number. You can see this with...
From peaking at the `AVAILABLE_COLORS` enum in, I think via colorama, its not using the true colors, but rather their ANSI formatting codes. In a 16 or 256 color...
I did some testing today, I think it may happen if the owner/creator of the server you're on is not in the voice channel. It seems to still happen in...