Chris Sinco

Results 9 comments of Chris Sinco

There's a similar issue here where Search Everywhere can sometimes cover it

Not sure this is a related issue, but I'm seeing this manifested in other ways when combining `react-image` with libraries like `react-virtualized`: Output in console: ``` Warning: Can't perform a...

Actually, I would propose the below colors that have even more contrast and still fit well with the overall theme. ``` "scrollbarSlider.activeBackground": "#89A4BB48", "scrollbarSlider.background": "#89a4bb34", "scrollbarSlider.hoverBackground": "#89A4BB48", ``` I initially...

Now if either @sdras or another contributor could review and merge that'd be lovely!

I guess it's the general scrollbar thumb color that has contrast issues for me.

To be clear, I would not repackage and advertise as my own plugin. It would be full attribution to the original author. Our company has restrictions on what external Figma...

Looking at the code, it seems the call to get the data is simple. But perhaps the issue is that in the current state, you would have to make an...

I think the web service idea could work, that way auth is only required for a service account. You could just have it get the count maybe once a day...

Not sure it's related, but there seems to be issues with `rotate` which also is done in the graphicsLayer with `rotationZ`. This code causes a similar crash: ``` @Composable fun...