Catherine Lee
Catherine Lee
Creates a `feedback-screenshot` package Not intended for merging
Add the new screenshot config to the feedback onboarding trays. Add `showScreenshot: true` next to the email and name configs. Also add linkout about async
The screenshot & cropping from user feedback looks wonky in replays. Might be a canvas issue 😞
Adds CLS, FID, and INP breadcrumbs
Creates gaps in the timeline between `App in Background` and `App in Foreground` frames. If there's no `App in Foreground` frame after `App in Background`, the gap continues to the...
All web vitals fully implemented except the newest CLS design (SDK changes are required)
We want to show the score for each layout shift as well as the all the nodes that contributed to the score, so we're adding a new `attributions` object to...
There is nothing preventing SDKs from sending bad data to replays. On the frontend, we expect breadcrumbs to have some required fields depending on their type, but there is no...