pySimpleDMX copied to clipboard
pysimpledmx is a simple dmx control module in python, for the Enttec DMX USB Pro
I've been testing using a UltraDMX Micro and a 1ByOne disco ball ($35 Amazon). Seems to run fine using both Python 2.7.11 and 3.5.1 . - Use bytearray() to concatenate...
It appears this part of the code throws an error while trying to set channel 1: if not 1, line 47 should be: `print 'Invalid channel specified: %s' % (chan-1)` Note the parens around `chan-1`. Without them, the interpreter tries to subtract 1 from the string "Invalid..." I've...
Is there a way to Receive DMX?
Hi, I have some problem to connect a Contest light connected with Enttec OpenDMX USB. So it works fine with QLC plus but I can't change colors with pySimpleDMX. It...
Hey i cant seem to get an address above 250 to work , and also in some of my devices i have to set the dmx address 1 above what...
You specify that addresses are to be given on the range [1,512], yet you use them to directly index into an array of length 512. Unsurprisingly, trying to set channel...