pySimpleDMX copied to clipboard
Can't render
I have some problem to connect a Contest light connected with Enttec OpenDMX USB.
So it works fine with QLC plus but I can't change colors with pySimpleDMX. It recognizes OpenDMX in /dev/ttyUSB0. Did I miss a value to change ?
In [1]: import pysimpledmx
In [2]: mydmx = pysimpledmx.DMXConnection("/dev/ttyUSB0")
Opened /dev/ttyUSB1.
In [3]: mydmx.setChannel(2, "100", autorender=True)
In [4]: mydmx.setChannel(1, "100", autorender=True)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-5-a1d167a61129> in <module>()
----> 1 mydmx.setChannel(1, "100", autorender=True)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pysimpledmx/pysimpledmx.pyc in setChannel(self, chan, val, autorender)
45 '''
46 if not 1 <= chan-1 <= DMX_SIZE:
---> 47 print 'Invalid channel specified: %s' % chan-1
48 return
49 # clamp value
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'str' and 'int'
Thank you for your help.
I've found that with the Enttec DMX USB PRO it is channel number +1.
So your line mydmx.setChannel(1, "100", autorender=True)
is going to cause issues. Try adding one to each channel.
Well thank you for your answer.
As a matter of fact, neither this line works :
mydmx.setChannel(2, "100", autorender=True)
Like the spot light is not called by the dmx request.
I'm still looking for a solution. is the START_VAL value could be the problem ?
Thanks for your help
When i run the following it works fine for me. Try taking the autorender off as it is advised against in the readme. Try only sending the packet to one channel, maybe 2 to see if that works.
It looks like your dmx values are strings, take the "" off too.
import pysimpledmx
mydmx = pysimpledmx.DMXConnection("/dev/ttyUSB0")
mydmx.setChannel(2, 255) # set DMX channel 2 to 128
mydmx.setChannel(3, 0) # set DMX channel 3 to 0
mydmx.render() # render
Let me know if that code above works
thank you for your answer. No, it doesn't work.
The only return I have is :
Opened /dev/ttyUSB1.
Well, with this same code, I tried to add print steps to see what doesn't work :
So, in init function, I printed dmx_frame and com variable
self.dmx_frame = [0] * DMX_SIZE
try: = serial.Serial(comport, baudrate = COM_BAUD, timeout = COM_TIMEOUT)
com_name = 'COM%s' % (comport + 1) if type(comport) == int else comport
print "Could not open device %s. Quitting application." % com_name
print "Opened %s." % (
Here the result :
[0, 0, 0, ... 0, 0, 0]
Serial<id=0x7f482d2e5890, open=True>(port='/dev/ttyUSB1', baudrate=57600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=1, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
Opened /dev/ttyUSB1.
In render function, I printed packet variable before to write it in
['~', '\x06', '\x00', '\x02', '\x00', '\xff', '\x00', ... '\x00', '\xe7']
I know that when using the Enttec Open DMX signal timing is reliant on the host computer. It might be the case that QLC+ is handling the timing and pySimpleDMX is not. I don't have an Open DMX box but I do have an Enttec DMX Pro. Unfortunately I don't have any Enttec DMX boxes with me today. I might get a chance tomorrow to get a sample like you did of the output. If I do I'll post the output here for your comparison.
I, have you tested the Ettenc DMX box ? If not, what do you think I could to to fix it ? Thank you
To be honest I'm getting the same issue now. I was testing from a debian machine before and that worked. Now from my mac with a fresh install of pySimpleDMX I'm getting the same results your getting. Very odd.
I have ended up going with an npm module called node-dmx, as the project I'm working on has more JavaScript developers than python devs. I'm sorry I can't help anymore. If anyone works out a solution then please do post it.
Thank you for your time. So, finally, I have ended up going with ola and ola-python for the wrapper. Just had hard time to configure ola with Enttec OpenDMX USB. Need to activate the good driver which is not opendmx but ftdidmx.