Benedikt Venn

Results 34 issues of Benedikt Venn

### Description >The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) two-sided test statistic Dn is widely used to measure the goodness-of-fit between the empirical distribution of a set of n observations and a given continuous...

Difficulty: Advanced
FsLab Hackathon 2023
Status: Available

### Description A proper discription for the usage of Savitzky Golay filter is missing in the official documentation. The example looks good, but usage, parameter description, and parameter usage should...

Difficulty: Advanced
FsLab Hackathon 2023
Status: Available

### Description >tSNE is a dimensionality reduction method. It allows you to visualise a multi-dimensional dataset in 2 or 3 dimensional scatter plot. - All necessary information with pseudocode and...

Difficulty: Advanced
FsLab Hackathon 2023
Status: Available

### Description >Decision Trees (DTs) are a non-parametric supervised learning method used for [classification]( and [regression]( [3]. The random forest algorithm is a supervised classification algorithm. Pseudocode is given in...

Difficulty: Advanced
FsLab Hackathon 2023
Status: Available

Integrals can easily be calculated for step functions, linear splines, polynomials and splines. These procedures are missing for most of the interpolation and regression modules. **Important:** unit tests should cover...

The `regularizeValues` function is located in `Interpolation.Approximation`. While it is currently only used here, it is of bread interest to have this function available on a more global layer. It...

There is `FSharp.Stats.Optimization.Brent` and `FSharp.Stats.Rootfinding.Brent`, both without proper documentation. - [ ] clarify if methods are compatible - [ ] decide for more performant version and put it in Optimization...

**Problem** When Nelder-Mead method is applied to a simple quadratic polynomial, the minimization is unable to identify the minimum. It is quite close, but the modification of `StopCriterion` or the...

## Merge operations for Maps Data can be sorted into bins of predefined width using the `Frequency` or `EmpiricalDistribution` module. If two datasets are binned and should be merged afterwards,...

## Cumulative sum (CUSUM) test > The CUSUM procedure is now one of the most well-known monitoring methods for sequential data. There are two types of CUSUM: the tabular (algorithmic,...
