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[Feature Request] Documentation of Nelder-Mead method

Open bvenn opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments


When Nelder-Mead method is applied to a simple quadratic polynomial, the minimization is unable to identify the minimum. It is quite close, but the modification of StopCriterion or the NmConfig isn't trivial without further documentation.


Description of the fields in the documentation.

Steps to reproduce

#r "nuget: Plotly.NET"
#r "nuget: FSharp.Stats, 0.4.12-preview.2"

open FSharp.Stats
open FSharp.Stats.Optimization
open System

open Plotly.NET

let myFunction (xs: vector) = 
    let x = xs.[0]
    x**2. - 0.32*x - 0.13

// initial guess for the optimization
let x0 = vector [| -0.3 |]

// default solver options
let nmc = NelderMead.NmConfig.defaultInit()   

// optimization procedure
let optim = 
    //let stopCrit = 
    //    { OptimizationStop.defaultStopCriteria with MinFunctionEpsilon = 1e-24 }
    //NelderMead.minimizeWithStopCriteria nmc x0 myFunction stopCrit
    NelderMead.minimize nmc x0 myFunction

optim.Vectors just contains 3 valid vectors

let validVectors = 3

// optimization results as x, y, and z coordinate
let xs,ys =
    optim.Vectors.[0..validVectors - 1] |> Array.map (fun x -> x.[0],myFunction x)
    |> Array.unzip

let optimizationPathchart = 
    [-1.  .. 0.005 .. 1.] |> List.map (fun x -> x,myFunction (vector [x])) |> Chart.Line 
    Chart.Line(x=xs,y=ys,ShowMarkers=true,Name="Optimization path")
    |> Chart.combine    
    |> Chart.withTemplate ChartTemplates.lightMirrored
    |> Chart.withXAxisStyle ("x",ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withYAxisStyle ("myFunction(x)",ShowGrid=false) 
    |> Chart.withSize (800.,800.)

Chart.show optimizationPathchart


bvenn avatar Apr 05 '23 14:04 bvenn

The problem at the current state is the negative part of the objective function. If a step during the optimization hits a negative value, the procedure is stopped immediately. A fix for this is in preparation

bvenn avatar May 09 '23 13:05 bvenn