Benedikt Venn
Benedikt Venn
I've implemented the quantile function of the normal distribution as described in Wichura et al.. Its accurate for 15 decimal places.
Progress of adding InvCDF/quantile functions t continuous distributions - [x] Normal - [ ] Gamma - [ ] Beta - [ ] F - [ ] StudentT - [ ]...
Many distributions have no closed form of the quantile function. Besides published approximations would be beneficial to add a member for each Distribution that approximates the correct x for a...
A difficulty that I'm not sure how to tackle is the required bandwidth equality on continuous data. If you want to add the following histograms: ```fsharp let a = [(0.1,1);(0.2,1);(0.3,1)]...
For now I decided to go with an unsatisfactory hybrid of (B) and (C). I added a parameter that requests the user to specify if the maps are based on...
Do you just want to have some kind of regression or just a smoothed interpolation of each point? Currently FSharp.Stats is capable of smoothing two-dimensional data only, but if you...
The problem at the current state is the negative part of the objective function. If a step during the optimization hits a negative value, the procedure is stopped immediately. A...