Hi everyone, My DOM contains svg element-under div element, which is created using javascript. And that svg has image element,as shown in attached image(html.png). With this domtoPng, in downloaded png...
Hi, With slicerJupyter notebook, all users end up sharing same session screen. We would like to have different session for different user. For this, I came to know JupyterHub allows...
I have created aspnet core react based app, which works fine locally for login system. In production, I am facing issue while login. When I reload web page (ctrl+shift+R) and...
Before you file a bug... I have a simple app with integration test with xunit. Here is a sample code. ``` public class ChromeIntegrationTest : IClassFixture { private readonly WebApplicationFactory...
Hi, I am trying to download pdf using html2canvas library. My downloaded pdf includes all other html element except this input type range. Here is sample js fiddle. Here, on...