@Floris497 Hi there, I'm hoping that this is the answer to all of my woes! I am trying to connect a 3440x1440 monitor to my MBPr mid-2012. DisplayPort spec is...
@Floris497 Lol. Oh dear (school boy error) - I'll give it a shot! Do you think that I will have much success with what I am trying to achieve?
@Floris497 Thanks for the feedback. I hit an issue - while I was applying the patch, I received a dialog box which said that I needed to install xcode tools....
Hi there.. I managed to roll back and apply again. It went through okay this time as I had downloaded the xcode tools on the previous run. Answering your questions:...
@Floris497 Thanks for this.. I just looked at the beta version of SwitchResX, I can see that it talks about SIP there.. I presume this doesn't apply to me (yet)...
@Floris497 Any more thoughts on this? Would be great to have my Mac output 3440x1440@60hz! :)
Hi @Cursichella, did you manage to get this working? I have a similar setup and am struggling. I sent you an invite to another Repo (to avoid spamming here) if...
This continues to occur.. I presume there is no answer to this.. :( Am I the only person experiencing this issue?
+1 This feature would be awesome and add to those reasons for using a PS4 controller with a PC - and supporting software :) I would certainly pay for this...