Steven Mackenzie
Steven Mackenzie
@dankcushions to get retroarch override folders (and other folders) you said "Maybe you can run the core with no game in verbose mode, and grep it from the log." This...
> It could perhaps be avoided by modifying the script as well to account for this. The change seems sensible anyway, it's easier to distinguish from the other OS...
Is the PINN install configuration and for Manjaro in the PINN source tree? Or, where should I look to see it?
I posted on to the Manjaro ARM forum about this to find out if there is a reason the Manjaro devs chose not to set root using UUID.
Thank you. I played with identically named partitions to see what would happen - I know that PINN will always ensure sensible unique names. With my current PINN install re-running...
There are lines in the Manjaro files related to resizing the root partition which still reference raspi-config. Seems inappropriate? There is no raspi-config in the Manjaro image, I don't...
I'd forgotten about needing to edit the OS /etc/fstab or for the change in partition type, and I've also just learned that Manjaro/Arch doesn't put an entry for the root...
I also wanted an android version of Is it Snappy, and eventually found the android app "Frame Skip" which I think is a similar set of features in a free...
I have been able to update an E2002. I have Z2M as an Addon in HA 2024.5.1 on a Pi 4 Zigbee2MQTT version 1.37.0 Coordinator type zStack3x0 Coordinator revision 20230922...
FWIW, the May 2024 firmware for the E2002 does not seem helpful: none of the left and right arrow click, hold or release actions are recognised after the update.