- Ego version (or commit ref): - Go version:go version go1.11 linux/amd64 - Gcc version: 4.9.4 (GCC) - Operating system and bit:CentOS release 6.8 (Final) 64bit - Provide example code:...
## Description I'm using gocv to transfer java blindwatermark to go implement. ```java // // java code // // C++: Mat Mat::operator()(Rect roi) // // javadoc: Mat::operator()(roi) public Mat submat(Rect...
```shell # 训练命令 python train.py --data data/coco128.yaml --cfg models/v5Lite-g.yaml --weights weights/v5lite-g.pt --batch-size 64 --device 'cpu' --epochs 100 --workers 8 ``` ```shell /root/anaconda3/envs/yolov5lite/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/amp/autocast_mode.py:198: UserWarning: User provided device_type of 'cuda', but CUDA...
GPU是 nvidia 1080 显存 8G batch-size 设置64 报GPU内存不足,调小就报下面的类型错误 ```shell File "C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\yolov5lite\lib\site-packages\torch\nn\functional.py", line 2438, in batch_norm return torch.batch_norm( RuntimeError: CUDA out of memory. Tried to allocate 26.00 MiB (GPU 0; 8.00...
on IPhone safari has an issue unable close the pop up page, may be z-index not working
[rpc/README.md](https://github.com/go-kiss/sniper/blame/master/rpc/README.md#L107) 这里的 `protoc-gen-twirp` 是个死链接。正确的是 [bilibili/twirp/protoc-gen-twirp](https://github.com/bilibili/twirp/tree/master/protoc-gen-twirp) 这个插件吗?
how to handle when server side been maintained, the client will not reconnect success after server side start. ``` 2022/08/09 03:07:15 gorabbit ERROR: attempting to reconnect to amqp server after...
i have a function that return two parameters ,but wrap on retrying hook then raise a error of missing 1 required positional argument.