gulp-rev-append copied to clipboard
gulp task to cache-busting files using file hash
Alter regex to allow `&rev=` as well as `?rev=` or allow regex override
It is very inconvenient to fail silently on an error. It might be better even to add an option to throw a PluginError when a file read fails - as...
The rev number is not being appended because the file location is not being found. The reason it is not being found it because the script tag contains an absolute... this code seems not stable across building environment
Version 0.1.6 I have in client/index.html: `` In Gulp: gulp.task('rev', function() { gulp.src('client/index.html') .pipe(rev()) .pipe(gulp.dest('./dist')); }); In my html and after running gulp, output file is same.
Now user can specify base path or regular expression
利用gulp打包生成合并后的文件,该文件问打包后生成文件,所以没有hash值,导致该插件没有效果。 暂时的解决方案是修改源码,不使用hash算法,直接使用时间戳作为版本号。 将代码 ``` try { data = fs.readFileSync(dependencyPath); hash = crypto.createHash('md5'); hash.update(data.toString(), 'utf8'); var _rev=new Date().getTime(); line = line.replace(groups[2], _rev); } ``` 修改为 ``` try { var _rev=new Date().getTime();...