Results 65 comments of Michel Pollet

ANyone ver managed to reproduce that?

Does the 'old' mode works -- ie use one IRQ per words? As much as I like simulating more, I'm worried that bit banging will slow down simulation considerably.. Is...

Yes that would be great actually. An alternative would possibly be to be able to use a AVR_MCU macro and entirely disable the bitbang module? I suppose the module could...

@hovercraft-github any progress on this? I do like the idea of the AVR_MCU macro you add to your own firmware, kinda like the VCD, clock speed, voltages etc... Feel free...

Sill quite keen on this patch @hovercraft-github -- no hurries but it'd be sad to drop it...

Hmm GH doesn't let me comment on the first commit somehow... so I'll paste this there: What about a static const char clock_div = { 4,16,64,128]; clock_divider = clock_div[clock_divider_ix) ?

It's looking good -- just tell me 'when' -- feel free to 'colapse' your commits if you feel like it..

It's possible that I didn't think of AVRS with multiple SPIs/TWI at the time I wrote the macro... I think I was planning all along to have it as a...

I just did @hovercraft-github -- thanks for your work on this too... it's shaping up! :-)

We might need a split functionality for the firmware loading approach then, with an _init that prepares the structure, leave user code a way to add their own things, and...