Results 65 comments of Michel Pollet

@ttyridal perhaps you could even replace the 'run' and 'sleep' callbacks in a avr_t instance, or even implement a small #iomodule 'peripheral', or both... shouldnt be hard to find a...

Any more work on that? it'd be sad to let it drop, as the USB bit is borken at the minute, and I'm tempted to yank it...

Hi, thanks for the PR -- however I can't include Atmel/Microchip headers, please resubmit without it -- normally if you have a separate install of avr-libc, that header will be...

Sorry I'm still not going to merge atmel's files into simavr. You can easily keep a copy out of tree and add a -I to the makefile so it finds...

Actually I had forgotten completely I had given up on system headers being up to date. But you can see the problem it created, we actually need to do a...

I just did a diff with the version of avr-libc in debian linux, and the diff is massive. Not just "forward" but there are files that are older! I think...

Hmm are you sure about that? AVR use 16 bits addresses, and I ran a LOT of code on 256's without that problem showing at all. That code has been...

In that case I'd really like some sort of error message to signal the problem. I'd MUCH, MUCH prefer simavr crashing because of an out of bounds problem than simavr...

Could this had been done the same way as the other "series" instead of duplicating the whole file?

Actually if you look at the code, you'll find there IS a IRQ that sends the whole port as a whole. IOPORT_IRQ_PIN_ALL is exactly what you want. Most examples don't...