Evanette Burrows
Evanette Burrows
# How to populate procedure_type_concept_id when the procedure is recorded as an EHR encounter ## CDM or THEMIS convention? Themis (with update to the CDM documentation as well) ## Table...
# payer_plan_period.payer_concept_id Text Improvement ## CDM or THEMIS convention? CDM ## Table or Field level? Field ## Is this a general convention? No ## Summary of issues - A minor...
# payer_plan_period.plan_concept_id Text Improvement ## CDM or THEMIS convention? CDM ## Table or Field level? Field ## Is this a general convention? No ## Summary of issues - A minor...
# payer_plan_period.stop_reason_concept_id CDM Text Improvement ## CDM or THEMIS convention? CDM ## Table or Field level? Field ## Is this a general convention? No ## Summary of issues - A...
# payer_plan_period.sponsor_concept_id CDM Text Improvement ## CDM or THEMIS convention? CDM ## Table or Field level? Field ## Is this a general convention? No ## Summary of issues - A...
# Update "required" tables in FAQ CDM documentation to include CDM_SOURCE ## CDM or THEMIS convention? CDM ## Table or Field level? Table(s) ## Is this a general convention? Yes...
# What to do when year_of_birth is missing from the source and cannot be derived ## CDM or THEMIS convention? CDM ## Is this a general convention? Yes (in that...
### Expected behavior When adding a new source in the configuration tab, a user can specify the connection details and cdm/results/temp/vocab schemas. For every data source there is a `check`...