Matthew Burke
Matthew Burke
We'd love to see this added to the playground as well.
Is there any sort of estimate\projection on when this feature will be added to ksqlDB?
Totally agree. I'd love the ability to build a single database pool that is shared across jobs. I can't seem to do that today without creating a unique database pool...
@bikeshedder I think the flexibility to define a Cache Replacement Policy for a given Pool makes a lot of sense, especially if we can define things like the max number...
From what I've just been observing\testing, this is also an issue with TABLE-LEFT OUTER JOIN-TABLE in ksqlDB. Records were missing (when those records had NULL foreign keys). I then changed...
Is this limitation documented somewhere? I know I didn't see anything around this for ksqlDB. Would've saved me a bit of a headache in the meantime. It'd be great if...
Has there been any recent movement on this? There are a couple reasons this has come up for me. Context is that we're using the known workaround by using a...