Artem Borisovskiy
Artem Borisovskiy
I am generating code for RISC-V and I need to store a function pointer in a register. According to the [documentation](, this is done with a pair of instructions: >...
HEAD: 314bade The first kind of crash can be reproduced pretty reliably by making a single ragdoll stuck in the platform and then dragging it around furiously until it passes...
Replaced LoggingLevel.Muted with StyleEnum.max, as the former is causing a compile error with a StyledStrictLogger with custom logging level enum.
Tried to reload the log file on USR1 signal: ```D import core.stdc.signal; enum SIGUSR1 = 10; signal(SIGUSR1, function void() @system nothrow @nogc { logger.reload(); }); ``` This code failed to...