Burhanuddin Rashid

Results 89 comments of Burhanuddin Rashid

Please share the steps and stack trace for the issue.

`PhotoEditorView` uses `GLSurfaceView` internally to manage the filter, which is resource heavy and not that performant. So it is highly NOT recommended to use `PhotoEditorView` inside a `ViewPager` or `RecycleView`.

Honestly. I don't why it caused it. I was not able to reproduce it. Someone raised a PR with the fix and merge it.

Crop selection will be added in future release. But for time being you can crop the image using [`CustomEffect.Builder()`](https://github.com/burhanrashid52/PhotoEditor/wiki/Filter-Effect#custom-filter) which is a wrapper on EffectFacotory check this [link.](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/effect/EffectFactory#EFFECT_CROP)

I don't have ETA for it. Currently, my schedule is a little tight this time. If anyone is able to do it before me than PR's are welcome

Donations are always welcome :) @animestanley

@lucianocheng https://github.com/siwangqishiq/ImageEditor-Android/blob/master/imageeditlibrary/src/main/java/com/xinlan/imageeditlibrary/editimage/fragment/CropFragment.java I am trying to implement into this branch https://github.com/burhanrashid52/PhotoEditor/tree/PE-79 with better API. But still not happy with the result.

Thanks @siberianbearr for detail analysis. Can you suggest some idea/logic how to implement this by keeping `ImageView` in internal representation ?