Kamil Burczyk
Kamil Burczyk
Hello, I faced similar problem with one of my apps. `QBAssetsViewController.m line 398` `__48-[QBAssetsViewController photoLibraryDidChange:]_block_invoke` **Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException attempt to delete item 57 from section 0 which only contains 57...
I also didn't reproduce it yet. I only saw it in Crashlytics, 3 times. It probably doesn't matter but each crash occurred on iPhone 6 Plus running iOS 9.1.0 (although...
Current implementation always returns first email or phone number. It's implemented in `- (NSArray*)phonesOfSelectedContacts` and `- (NSArray*)emailsOfSelectedContacts` methods of `KBContactsTableViewDataSource`. Feel free to fork and change this behavior or create...
I've just checked that and you're absolutely right. I haven't found a real solution for that but a small walkaround may be like this: 1. Make sure you enabled `use_frameworks!`...
Can you please provide a Pull Request with proposed changes?
It may be not a bad idea. For now please check `customizeColors` method of `KBContactsSelectionViewController` class. It sets all colors based on single property `tintColor` of `KBContactsSelectionConfiguration`. Feel free to...
Can you please point which ones? czw., 10 maj 2018 o 05:30 niekang napisał(a): > Some do not work. > > — > You are receiving this because you are...
Thanks for pointing that. Unfortunately one of the dependencies used in project (APAddressBook) doesn't have Carthage support so it's not straightforward how to add Carthage in this lib (https://github.com/Alterplay/APAddressBook/issues/63).
It should not be a problem :) Do you prefer 1.3.3 or rather 2.x release?
I will do it probably on weekend, because right now I'm doing normal-job-stuff :) I will leave comment here when update is ready.