> 切换回去的必要性是什么? 评估完验证集不是会继续回到循环再进行下一个epoch的训练么?不需要转换回去吗
A pickle file which saved the dataset instance of class "CHAOYANG" (defined in ```./data/chaoyang.py```). You can refer to line 422 in ```step1.py```. Besides, it seems that you have some problems...
It is an estimated noise ratio of the Chaoyang dataset. Since the Chaoyang dataset is constructed in a real-world situation (as described on page 6 of our paper), we do...
Thanks for your question! Iterating on the dataset is really a good idea. Although we did not try this on the PGDF before, our previous work [1] did a similar...
Hi, Your ideas are very interesting and impressive! Thanks a lot for your reply and invitation. However, I will graduate and start working in a company next month, so I...
The answer is yes. But when the noise ratio is at a high level, the performance becomes unstable. It is a common issue in many LNL algorithms. And work [1]...
Thanks again for your helpful advice! 👍 I wish your research goes well!