Wideland's Bunnybot
Wideland's Bunnybot
All "Soldiers"-related strings should be fetched by pgettext, because some languages have differing translations, depending on the tribe. e.g. German "Krieger" (Barbarians, Frisians) vs. "Soldat" (Empire, Atlanteans). Strings that need...
This is a suggestion to add small pictograms to the statistic strings of buildings. - They could convey if workers are missing, coming or not available. - The same for...
In the random map generator it would be interesting to have a "randomize" button that would change the current parameters to new values, instead of the player having to manually...
The "New Random Map" dialogue remembers x and y dimensions from a previous call (within a session) as well as terrain style ("greenland" "winterland" etc). It appears to lose the...
cross reference: WL Q 233795 Part 5: Within the HQs borders (or within working area of workers?) ensure that there is both wood and rock (sufficient for cutter, forester, sawmill,...
cross reference: WL Q 233795 Part 4: Place HQ after topography created (mountains, water) placed and ore seeded, but before trees, rocks. Weight HQ value based on access to coal/iron/gold...
cross reference: WL Q 233795 Part 2: Starting balance of picking a ore for the center of a vein: 6:4:2:3:3 for coal:iron:gold:stone:nothing. Part 3: Large mountains should be checked to...
cross reference: WL Q 233795 Part 1: one implementation may involve increasing the rate-of-decay from the "center" of an ore distribution to allow for more "centers" to be seeded on...
It would be nice to add an option to the random map generator, to add port buildspaces. The following is just brainstorming: * The generator should make sure, that every...
I often move the map around during game play. When doing this during an autosave the map stands still but after the autosave has completed, the map suddenly moves to...