Wideland's Bunnybot
Wideland's Bunnybot
I noticed while playing my latest map (concentric rings) that AI will get hopeless traffic jams over time. I'm not talking just about wares taking a long time for delivery,...
The AI frequently dismantles militarysites right at the border, thus losing territory and inviting attacks. Sites are dismantled even if the AI "knows" it´ll lose territory by doing so. Observed...
On new 4k (3840 x 2160 px) monitors the graphics will be too small and clicking could be very difficult. This was posted on the forum several times now: https://wl.widelands.org/forum/topic/4466/...
I'm running widelands on my HTPC running Debian Linux. Although, I can run in fullscreen at 1920x1080, when I do so the text is too small to read from my...
Like for wares (see bug 1781732), I´d like to be able to see in the soldier displays in military- and trainingsites whether a soldier is already coming to a vacant...
https://wl.widelands.org/forum/topic/2786/?page=15#post-23858 Instead, sometimes they are spawned extremely far away. Of course there are exceptions, for example carriers. ------------------------------------ Imported from Launchpad using lp2gh. * date created: 2018-01-17T12:00:45Z * owner: gunchleoc...
Te text_width function used by Multilineeditbox is slow. There are 2 possible solutions: 1. Fix WordWrap::quick_width so that it gives us accurate data and replace text_width in grapic/text_layout with it...
Sometimes, soldiers in a stopped (barbarian) training camp are endlessly replaced with soldiers in the warehouse. I have no real idea how to trigger this bug(?), though. In my test...
This is maybe more an annoyance than a bug. Geologists sent to a flag often behave very unsmart in selecting a site. Many times they choose a spot where a...
Test-played "Finnish Lakes" in 8126 and found this map is not suited for playing Empire because there are too few Stone resources and mountain availability is scarce for players Blue...