Wideland's Bunnybot
Wideland's Bunnybot
(by ad-simplypeachy) This behaviour is also the case when the port is ejecting wares and has no connected warehouse. Each ware is carried out, then carried back in to the...
(by sirver) Setting to incomplete for bug sweeping.
(by janitor) [Expired for widelands because there has been no activity for 60 days.]
(by nasenbaer) see https://blueprints.launchpad.net/widelands/+spec/trade-system
(by sirver) Setting to incomplete for bug sweeping.
(by wl-zocker) I think trading will be a great addition to the game. It supports the interaction of players (one can help another one) and it adds a peaceful component....
(by sirver) I agree. I also think this bugs suggestion is better than the blueprint. However, to represent the traded wares in game, it would be beneficial to merge the...
(by sirver) Setting to incomplete for bug sweeping.
(by tiborb95) I was thinking a bit about this, so my opinion Trading post would be the type of warehouse, where you would have arrows indicating: - selling - buying...
(by tiborb95) Alternatively we could invent coins, new building mint, coins to be produced from gold or iron perhpas and these could be used for trading... Trader carrying the ware...