Benjamin Fellous
Benjamin Fellous
Hey, I have lot of user with the same issue. Did you found a fix?
@jossiwolf did not tried the last update but do you know if this issue might be fixed?
@jossiwolf Just tried with a regular `NavHost`. Same result. Same repro for that issue. If you take my sample code and just change to use the `NavHost` and update import...
Hi @jossiwolf any idea? If I can help with more detail, let me know.
Ok, I found a solution. You should have a TextureView with the same width and height. Next, you should set a Transform matrix to the textureview and change the scale.
Can you post a full sample for your square preview ? When you take a picture with your square preview, the picture is right centered ?
Ohh nice. Thanks a lot. Will test this and close if ok.
Do you have any settings about the size of the preview ? By using SquaredTextureView and SquaredFrameLayout, the preview is a bit ugly. Plus, the code `bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, bitmapBorder,...