
Results 90 comments of Patrick

There are like a dozen forks of this package, even for 6.*. You can always fork, update, re-publish the package and create a PR for others to see how to...

@poppabear8883 You can take a look at the PR's on this repo, all of these are forks and some provide L6 already. If you are talking about continuations then also...

No this package does store the cart content in session while the cart is loaded and api has no session. There is a refactor branch where i am currently trying...

This package is not compatible to Laravel 7.

I setup a wiki page of maintained forks for quick reference since this question is and will come up again.

Well you can let your user define his state or obtain it from the shipping address and then apply the tax rate to the CartItem's.

This repository is not as active as it used to be, i'd recommend to just use one of the many forks.

> @jelmerbou Thanks , I was looking for the same , just want to ask if you know while looping all products in car.blade.php how do i display tax of...

@shanks25 It is now in my fork, you can look at the [referenced commit]( to find out how to get the desired behavior but to keep things simple i basically...

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