Hive and Hedera both use `.`s and `-`s in their native addresses-- there may also be corner-cases or testnets or checksums or other places where CAIP-10 is too constrictive. Would...
Where do Merkle-DAGs, DAGs, Ceramic fit? Where do GPG(+VKS), Radicle, etc fit? Where does Eth2 sharding fit in? An editorial PR to define which crypto systems are in scope for...
There's been a bit of [grumbling](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/did-jwt/issues/62) around DIF github repos [edit: and now on the [re-charter repo](https://github.com/w3c/vc-wg-charter/issues/84) of the VC WG] and slack lately about how to handle the recovery...
There have been some grumblings in the W3C VCWG and in the DIF JWS Test Suite work item about `JwtProof2020` -- doing an editorial pass to more clearly identity the...
Here are some notes on the last few weeks' informal discussions about expanding the VC-HTTP-API to accomodate the kind of enterprise use-cases both inside and outside the SVIP program that...
Hey all: I have discovered a curious quirk to this repo: when using `git clone` from WSL2/ubuntu, everything works fine, but when using Github Desktop/VSC, pulling origin/head "loses" the last...
I overlooked deleting the files in https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/pull/113 - just noticed with the new gitpages automation!
disclaimer: i have no idea what i'm talking about, so canonical/normative references would be helpful to me and the conversation i'm trying to start. the extension policy makes it sound...
`resources` is optional in EIP-4361 and required in CAIP-122 (although nothing stops it from being present but empty). both are still in review, but weight-bearing. presumably the path of least...
Hey @ukstv @aarongoldman @oed -- Got a question from an implementer about the difference between CACAO v2 `signature.t` (`eip191`) and the [varsig format](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/blob/5dd3a2f541d399a82bb32590b52ca4340b09f08b/CAIPs/caip-196.md?plain=1#L119) that CACAO v3 [uses](https://github.com/ChainAgnostic/CAIPs/blob/5dd3a2f541d399a82bb32590b52ca4340b09f08b/CAIPs/caip-196.md?plain=1#L186) to prefix the...