Discussed on today's call: PE is being "profiled" as part of various ecosystem-bound interop profiles: - [VC-JWT-Interop Profile](https://identity.foundation/jwt-vc-presentation-profile/) - [Dutch Blockchain Assoc's Decentralized Identity Profile project](https://www.dutchblockchaincoalition.org/bouwstenen/self-sovereign-identity-ssi/ddip) - [Dept of Ed/L3...
DIscussed on today's call - there is appetite to fix, but we're having trouble understanding and replicating! David mentioned that matching against some strings is working, and Jace mentioned that...
There's an open issue on the spec generation tool [here](https://github.com/decentralized-identity/spec-up/issues/7) that would do this automatically, fwiw. I'll try to bump that.
edited original message and issue name according 💪
Discussed on today's call: - [x] ~~removing JSONPath or replacing it with JSONPointer or another way to evaluate DSL strings would be a v3 change (will open a separate tracking...
@rado0x54 how can we help you, ser
on today's call, clarified --> 5 sequential issues 1. one simple test - e2e flow, with one super-simple VC and super-simple `pres_sub`, etc. 2. harness (1 test) 3. normative statement...
[Discussed on today's call] Group looking forward to a side-by-side comparison of today's ugly workaround versus a strawman with logic! Screengrab of a good Typeform example might help too. Defo...
(will check in at next week's meeting on normative statements and neg vectors)