Lukas Bulwahn
Lukas Bulwahn
In the meantime, @rojkov has installed a continuous integration for meta-ros. We are surely open to improvements of any kind as long as it does not break what we already...
As a first step, I suggest to test the following operation continuously: - Build environment/setup: always latest version of bitbake, OE-core, meta-oe and meta-ros - local.conf: MACHINE = "qemuarm" -...
Hi Esteve, has there been any progress on this matter?
I agree with your approach and your ideas. To get the ROS tests running that are shipped with the common ROS packages, we have to look how catkin, gtest, and...
Did you already use the commits on pull request #519 to build the cross-compile tool chain?
Well, I just wanted to understand if you build a tool chain for a ROS package, or if you just use the pcl recipe in the meta-ros layer. As you...
I looked into it and wondered if there would be an alternative solution. If I am not mistaken, the libeigen recipe is the peculiarity that in all its dependencies needs...
@a-nogikh Sorry for the delay. Due to some unexpected larger company disturbances (and not due to local personal failures), we lost @Krzpaw to continue contributing to syzkaller. Fortunately, @simone-weiss could...
@a-nogikh Okay, I can try to reduce the '-base.config' configs and see where we get with that. From my memory of the previous review of the yml config bits and...