Ideally `host` config var could be supported in `/etc/linode/longview.d/MySQL.conf` I run my infra on docker and needed to make the following change to get Longview to pick up data: >...
:+1: :clap:
Will do and report back. Thanks @joenoon.
Any limitations really should be documented, please.
Thanks for posting this issue @jsgoupil. I can confirm this as responsible for my own Testswarm failures to save results: any non-Testswarm `postMessage` requests will kill off the iFrame, which...
Those changes, together, seem great @Krinkle. What we have today, more or less, is piece two without piece one. These two changes wouldn't account for the sending of `postMessage` requests...
I couldn't get this running fwiw > /usr/bin/phantomjs: error while loading shared libraries: libicui18n.so.59: cannot open shared object fi