Buğra Coşkun

Results 7 issues of Buğra Coşkun

Hello, i have used gcp points in my process. The gcp names was like; ykn1 , ykn2, ykn3 … My GCP file is like that: +proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=27 +k=1 +x_0=500000...


Hello, I have big obj file (approximetly 1,25 GB with textures). I convert to NXS and NXZ file via nxsbuild.exe. When I load the model on the screen, the model...

_Note: If this is a bug or support ticket, please provide the following information:_ * Unity version: 2018.3.14f1 * Scripting Runtime Version: .Net 4.x Equivalent * Scripting Backend: IL2CPP *...


I can publish map on the screen. I want that user choose a geojson file from mobile and loads to map. I have a viewModel. I can change zoom, mapstyle,...

Hello, I try to upload images via Dropzone. I upload photos in groups of 3. My config is like below: ` this.dropzone = new Dropzone("#dropzone-form", { url: window.DroNetConfig.api + "/multiImageUpload",...

I am wondering that is it possible change projection of las/laz file while convert process ? Can anyone answer that ?

Hello, I use openlayers with electronJS. I try to add COG data to my map. The example of Openlayer works perfect. But, when I tried with my own data there...
