mcedit Unified Version macOS release: 10.13 STR: Launch mcedit from Finder Receive dialogue box "mcedit Error" Click Terminate Note: When launching mcedit manually via terminal, it works!
STR: 1. Click Server list 2. Choose a server Betacraft changes the server version to the appropriate one or you can select one from the prompt, it then starts the...
I have been trying to browse a specific user's files, but navigating to `/browse` fails to load anything other than a spinning "Downloaded 0% of Response". I have not been...
From the docs: _Daily builds Images are automatically built daily to get the newest version of OpenSSH provided by the package managers._ Is it possible to trigger the rebuild only...
I just wanted to say that this is off to a great start. I love the idea. I am unable to provide a pull request, as I completely butchered your...