Andrew Krasichkov

Results 34 comments of Andrew Krasichkov

Hi! Actually, you're describing another problem - lack of `server` default section (e.g. #80). Someday I'll do this check too. For example: - configuration: ```nginx server { listen 80; server_name...

Thanks! I already know about that :( The variables extraction from `if` directive doesn't work right now, It is not so easy to implement correctly.

Hi! Thanks for your issue:) Gixy ignores empty directory or not existing files. The crashe happens by another reason, it can't parse one of your regular expression :( Did you...

Hi! I know about this problem, but I don't know how to fix it correctly. Maybe you have some ideas? I can add a default server section absence check, but...

Yes, this is correct path if we are checking the SLB configuration. But in case of downstream nginx (e.g. application-level nginx behind L7 balancer) this is wouldn't make sense. On...

For now Gixy doesn't support PCRE [internal opition settings]( I'll work on it.

As I can see problem not with `set_by_lua_file` directive. Gixy failed to parse one of your regular expression :( Gixy 0.1.5 has a better error message for this case, can...

Hi! can your attach `/etc/nginx/fastcgi_params` file to this issue or via email `buglloc [at]`?

@ss23 you're right. Therefore, Gixy report this problem, but with less severity: I will improve documentation for this case, most likely with a separate page :)