tiddlyclip copied to clipboard
At present when copying a tiddler it is necessary to either type the name of a tiddler, or highlight some text (which is taken to be a tiddler name). If...
Objects in the prefs module needs to be turned from 'csv' like structures into arrays eg pref.Set('tabid'+tab, pref.Get('tabid'+(tab+1))); should really be pref.tabid[tab] =pref.tabid[tab+1]; Also pref.getCharPref() needs removing
the addon should check the page to determine if it is a tiddlywiki, and maybe test to see if the plugin is installed
The release should be tagged and point to the tagged checkin
extension.getURL is deprecated Warning: This API has been deprecated by Firefox. content/contentScript.js line 660 column 16 extension.getURL is deprecated Warning: This API has been deprecated by Firefox. content/app/browserOverlaychrome.js line 127...