Results 5 comments of Rurik Bugdanov

:+1: same here, `tms: true` works when adding the layer dynamically using the promise returned by leafletData.getMap() but not when setting $scope.layers with ``

It appears (here: that you can specify tms:true in layerOptions, eg: ``` baselayers: { myTiles: { name: 'My Tiles', url: '//{s}.tileserver/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', type: 'xyz', layerOptions: { tms: true } }...

Hi there ! It's because internal-ip returns the last ip address instead ot the primary network interface address. I fixed it with this: Could not test it on Windows...

My setup looks like this: ![images 6]( The "mouseless" screen is the rightmost screen With the recent commit 00a6a164ee29ac0297024dc069b2073e826f7422 from @hamishcoleman I am now able to reach the full area...

Looks like xinput is the way to go: check `xinput test-xi2` or `ssh somehost xinput test-xi2` and move the pointer