
Results 45 comments of ☸️

The plugins are in the `bettercap/packet.proxy-plugins` repository. You can clone it with `git` or `go get`. To install a packet.proxy plugin, you have to build it yourself inside bettercap's source...

You still had the `gopacket.example.go` file in bettercap's source directory when you tried to build bettercap.

~~You should only have 1 packet.proxy `.go` plugin file in the source directory, otherwise compilation fails.~~ You shouldn't have any packet.proxy `.go` files in the source directory when you build...

It's in your `$GOPATH` folder.. Can you please give us the output of `which bettercap`?

Your go path is in your home folder, so you can find bettercap's source folder at `~/go/src/github.com/bettercap/bettercap`.