
Results 45 comments of ☸️

> Long tap until the popup menu shows. Then scroll up without loosing touch with the screen and without touching the popup menu. That seems to do the trick, thank...

@heywoodlh you mention "the same error" yet I only see 1 error. Your logs show that bettercap found the gateway and everything seems to work fine when you run as...

@AngelouD what happens when you enter `tsu -p -c "$GOPATH/bin/bettercap"` > -p Prepend /system/bin:/system/xbin to PATH and /system/lib{64} to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Looks like an uncaught error. You may find out more by tailing the contents of `/var/log/syslog` when the error occurs.

That's probably because your input prompt is stored in a separate variable. You can use the following command to change it: `set $ ""`

In the case that you are the gateway, you will not need to ARP spoof, so directly targeting the victim using the `dns.spoof` module would be an enhancement.

If you have already installed bettercap's root CA on the victim's machine or the victim has temporarily allowed an unsafe connection, there is no need to downgrade TLS since you...

I'm not sure if weakening the encryption is the best way to deal with this issue. If you have no issues proxying TLS and HTTPS traffic then bettercap is already...

Hey, I will push the caplet ~~shortly~~ when it's ready :)