
Results 107 comments of bufdev

It's possible - for example, depending on what is in `...`, it may be making a network call. You'd have to give us a specific, reproducible example for us to...

We need something that we can run locally. If you can set up, for example, a temporary github repostory with the code you are executing, so that we can run...

Most protoc plugins do not have `--version` flags, so at the least, this isn't a bug, but it could be something we could add as we do see how it...

This isn't going to happen in the near-term, but is something we're reconsidering. Generally, we may want buf.gen.yaml files to be input-aware. Going to keep open for now.

When looking at this issue in the future, we should also look at https://github.com/bufbuild/buf/issues/1407 - going to close that issue and track this only here.

Thanks for the feedback. We don't want to modify our field name rules for something this minor, as modifying them would be a breaking change for our users. Adding a...

It's a fair request. We'll go through this and see if this is feasible - it may be difficult to actually guarantee that the binary makes no network calls, and...