
Results 26 comments of buddyd16

I have a method in mind that will revamp the class a bit. Essentially mimic the AISC shape database and create a dictionary for each species with sub dictionaries for...

To be completely transparent I wrote everything a bit selfishly with my own workflow in mind, with a select few things being unit independent. Based on what I have done...

Thanks @DougAJ4 will have a look thru that.

I have a laundry list of projects I working on offline to eventually add to the repo, doing a lot of excel work lately. I think @JackBandlow may have been...

Yeah Celt83 (eng-tips) = buddyd16 (github) I like your ideas here. How I end up using the wood wall tool is to get the capacity values for various conditions and...

Just to clear this up @JackBandlow has had 0 involvement in this repo beyond forking it for themselves back in 2019.

"...because the lack of knowledge in programming." This is easily fixed, I started here, [Automate The Boring Stuff](https://automatetheboringstuff.com/) , and advanced to a large percentage of the stuff on here...

Manual entry for now. To build a species database To do drop down menus I need to manually type all of the supplement values into excel and then save as...

I used pyinstaller when I did it the first time, it's been awhile since I tried compiling any of the scripts though. If I remember right pyinstaller would end up...

be mindful of the bug with "L" and asymmetric-"T" shapes with the concrete beam one, the solver implemented in there doesn't rotate the neutral axis so the result isn't in...