Dmitry Bubnenkov

Results 52 issues of Dmitry Bubnenkov

I need to look at result prepared statement. ``` cmd.query = `SELECT ST_POINT($1, $2), 4326 FROM admin)`; cmd.parameters.add(1, PGType.FLOAT8).value = nearestroaddistance.lon; // FLOAT8 = double cmd.parameters.add(2, PGType.FLOAT8).value =; writeln(cmd.query);...

App do SELECT queries to PostgreSQL. ``` string sql_distance = `SELECT osm_id, ST_DISTANCE(geometry::geography, ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT(37.72308, 55.47957), 4326), true) as dist FROM roads WHERE (SELECT bool_or(ST_Contains(geometry, ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT(37.72308, 55.47957), 4326))) FROM admin) ORDER...

error: `Can't load Kernel binary: Invalid kernel binary format version` OS Windows possible related issue

Hello. I can't handle exception on next code Can it be bug in driver?

Is there any cross platform way to check if process is alive? And second question. How to get process PID?

Во всей документации фигурирует необходимость наличия TerminalKey, но как быть если я только разрабатываю\тестирую приложение. Не открывать же мне ИП для этого? Есть какой-то демо-ключ терминала для разработки?

For me naming looks very strange. For example `toJSON` `Converts the given JSON document(s) to its string representation`, but by it's name I expect that it should convert string to...

``` bubnenkov@DESKTOP-A1C4H1H D:\code\2018\ftp_walker $ dub --arch=x86_64 Performing "debug" build using C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe for x86_64. hunt 1.0.0-rc.6: building configuration "library"... hunt-sql 1.0.1: building configuration "library"... hunt-database 1.0.3: building configuration "default"... cachetools 0.0.7:...


Hello! Could you provide example of multiselect dropdown?

![изображение]( It would be nice to have some mechanism that prevent asserts.