ddb copied to clipboard
Slow down on x64 bit mode on Windows
App do SELECT queries to PostgreSQL.
string sql_distance = `SELECT osm_id, ST_DISTANCE(geometry::geography, ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT(37.72308, 55.47957), 4326), true) as dist FROM roads WHERE (SELECT bool_or(ST_Contains(geometry, ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT(37.72308, 55.47957), 4326))) FROM admin) ORDER BY geometry <-> ST_SetSRID(ST_POINT(37.72308, 55.47957), 4326) LIMIT 1;`;
writef("\nTrack %s. Total Points: %s. Processing", GPSAndSensor.gps, cargpspoints.count);
Bar b = new Bar();
b.message = { return "Calc Nearest Road Distance For Every Track Point"; };
b.max = cargpspoints.count;
foreach(i, cargpspoint; cargpspoints)
auto cmd_dist = new PGCommand(pgconnection, sql_distance.replace(`37.72308`, format("%f",cargpspoint.lon)).replace(`55.47957`, format("%f",cargpspoint.lat)));
auto cmd_nearesPointOnRoad = new PGCommand(pgconnection, sql_nearesPointOnRoad.replace(`37.72308`, format("%f",cargpspoint.lon)).replace(`55.47957`, format("%f",cargpspoint.lat)));
auto TotalStartTime = MonoTime.currTime;
auto nresult = cmd_dist.executeQuery();
auto nanswer = nresult.array;
// debug writefln(`%s.%s With Lon: %s Lat: %s outside from polygon "admin"`, config.mysqldbname, GPSAndSensor.gps, cargpspoint.lat, cargpspoint.lon);
nearestroaddistance.id = nanswer.front[0].coerce!ulong;
nearestroaddistance.distance = nanswer.front[1].coerce!ulong;
auto TotalEndTime = MonoTime.currTime;
auto totalDuration = TotalEndTime - TotalStartTime;
writefln("\n [PG INFO] Calc Time: %s msecs", totalDuration.total!"msecs");
If I build it in 32-bit mode (default on Windows) the execution of queries take about 10-12 msecs. If I build it's with dub --arch=x86_64
the query is execution 130-150 msecs.
Same problem with ldc2 with release and debug mode. Only building with dmd show normal speed.