
Results 8 issues of Peng.Zhou

I use the minidataset in `image-segmentation-keras/test/example_dataset` , my acc is: ``` 2020-03-03 18:11:22.262469: I tensorflow/stream_executor/platform/default/] Successfully opened dynamic library 512/512 [==============================] - 109s 212ms/step - loss: 0.3495 - acc:...

why the frame is not equal with opencv? my test code as below,please give me an answer,thank you! ``` from decord import VideoReader,cpu,gpu,VideoLoader import cv2 import numpy as np def...


您好,想问下您论文中的锚框正负的判断是和RPN中的判断是一样的吗? 那您的iouloss 是不是就不是根据:l,,t,b,r来计算的iouscore了,而是用了像NMS算法中计算两个矩形的交并比计算了iouscore这种方式?

Please use the [caffe-users list](!forum/caffe-users) for usage, installation, or modeling questions, or other requests for help. _Do not post such requests to Issues._ Doing so interferes with the development of...

Please use the [caffe-users list](!forum/caffe-users) for usage, installation, or modeling questions, or other requests for help. _Do not post such requests to Issues._ Doing so interferes with the development of...

it didn't return the value of json dump, I print the result,and I find the result of tessert ocr sys is not accurate, someone have the same problems? ``` #!/usr/bin/env...