Arpan Chatterjee

Results 12 comments of Arpan Chatterjee

To be precise its not actually crossplanes doing rather provider-Kubernetes ,its used to create Kubernetes resources that uses cross plane to do that, so for that it auto injects some...

Crossplane does put labels on the roles injected by it. ![image](

This is the repo for crossplane provider-kuberntes: just for information

its because of this config on provider : i am exactly not sure if i am explaining the problem clearly. my question was if the NS already exists ,with...

same for me its happening in my prod,but I'm not able to replicate this in kind.

yes , @maxsmythe by disabling audit from cache does solve my problem ,i will still keep it on look just to make sure any violation are not getting missed from...

so disabling the cache fixed the issue, but i tried to check some more to validate it. it can be reproduced, with these changes to audit pod. ``` spec: automountServiceAccountToken:...

found some similar behavior on this issue: audit has issues with reporting violations

same type issue and quite problematic: Crossplane version: 1.8.1 provider: provider-kubernetes(its not related to it as i believe) steps: 1. create a new definition(example dockerconfig) 2. create composition based on...