Brock Taute
Brock Taute
I think the scope of the problem may be larger than I initially thought. I believe pvlib.pvsystem needs some code updates as well. Also, I came across this error when...
I agree that the isinstance() code doesn't make sense. That's the root of the bug, I believe. When ModelChain.prepare_inputs() gets called, it runs that check, which will always turn up...
I was able to dig deeper into the source of the problem. The example code you shared fully reproduces it. While ModelChain.run_model() does model the system with self._prep_inputs_fixed(), when it...
The ability to read in .OND files (inverters) and .PAN files (modules) would be a big help for people trying to transition to pvlib from PVSyst.
With respect to further reading / reference material: - I think it would be great to explore potential ways to incorporate the EPRI [STORAGE-VET]( or [DER-VET]( models in this project....
Ya, that would be great.