Hi, I was trying to run exomiser on a sample, but get an error: ` . . 2020-09-30 10:09:47.973 INFO 5772 --- [ main] o.m.e.core.genome.VariantFactoryImpl : Processed 6604493 variant records...
Hi, I used the 'cellranger multi' command (cellranger v6.1.1) to process my data. I am now trying to use velocyty (v0.17.17) to ascertain the counts. Is there any guidance on...
Hi, I have previously used dsub with google cloud and was very satisfied with it. Is there a way that I can use it for AWS batch operations? If not,...
Hi, I was trying to install the package in RStudio and get an error (please see below). I have also attached my sessionInfo(). Is there anything else that I should...