Benjamin Sergeant

Results 110 comments of Benjamin Sergeant

You certainly moved on, but I checked today and I can't ping this domain. ``` $ ping ping: cannot resolve Unknown host ``` Is it a private host...

``` Connecting to url: wss:// > Connection error: Expecting status 101 (Switching Protocol), got 403 status connecting to wss://, HTTP Status line: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden ``` I'm getting a 403,...

It's hard to tell what's going on, I had trouble a while ago with TLS version 3, and upgrading to a more recent version of openssl fixed it. You could...

Last thought is that you could try to build/link with mbedtls too and see if you can reproduce the hang there.

Hi @PasinduKollure / currently I don't think that you can send chunked data, we can receive chunked data. Are you trying to send data in small pieces ?

This isn't supported now. You can try to make PR if you're like to add support for it.

I don't know what goes wrong with this remote url. Can you connect to it with anothe library ? Maybe it has some SSL problem ? You could also try...

Can you connect to it with the connect ws sub-command ?

ws is a command line interface. Build ws like this: ``` mkdir -p build && (cd build ; cmake -DCMAKE_UNITY_BUILD=OFF -DUSE_TEST=OFF -DUSE_TLS=ON -DUSE_WS=ON .. ; make -j8) ``` Then: ```...